Have you ever met someone who seems to weather the ups and downs that life puts in their way with more than a little equanimity? They appear to be able to pull themselves up and move onward without becoming undone by whatever has happened to them. These people possess a trait called resilience. What is it and how come some people seem to have it and others don’t?

Quite frankly, resilience is a process, and the good news is that it can be learned. Over time one can become more attuned to their own fears and worries and incorporate strategies to respond in a healthy and appropriate manner, and live life with resilience! To read the full article by SJVC staff member Mercedes McCann, RSM, Ph.D., click here.

The American Psychological Association also offers 10 Ways to Build Resilience. Click here.

Listen to our podcast on resilience.

The Health Benefits of Being Adventurous
The Difference a Smile Can Make