InAugural Colloquium Concepts In Leadership

SJVC Hosts Inaugural Colloquium – Concepts in Leadership

Saint John Vianney Center hosted our first, day and a half, bi-annual Colloquium for Women Religious Leadership entitled Concepts in Leadership. 51 sisters from 22 different religious communities across the United States attended our conference in Malvern, Pennsylvania April 20-21, 2023. The conference focused on the behavioral health aspects leadership may encounter and may need to manage within their communities, good leadership perspectives, and the importance of their own self-care.

SJVC has been providing the Colloquia for Women Religious leadership since 2016. For topics, dates, and locations for the remainder of 2023, click here. For more details or questions, contact our Consultation, Education, and Outreach Department at 610.518.2047.

SJVC Attends Catholic Psychotherapy Association Conference